Parent Pick-Up Carline Info

Due to some safety concerns during parent pick-up, we will be implementing new procedures on Monday, March 18th.  All cars must enter the parent pick-up line around the elementary side of the building.  No cars will be permitted to come by the football field and merge into the pick-up line. Starting on March 18th no student can be picked up without a name/number tag in their car.  If you don’t have a number, please call the front office at 423-253-2250 so we can get you a number. 
If you enter by the football field, or if you do not have a name/number tag, you will have to park your car and enter the building to sign out your child.  Finally, all students should be picked up by 3:00pm.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but our students' safety is of utmost importance.
-TPJHS Administration