Exceptional Education
Anna Thomas
Exceptional Education Teacher
Tellico Plains Junior High School
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies K-6
2012- Tusculum College
Special Education Modified Grades K-12
2014- Tennessee Wesleyan College
Hello! As one of the Exceptional Education Teachers at Tellico Plains
Junior High I get the privilege of working with our students that have
Special needs in the classroom. I have worked in the Monroe County
School System since 2013. I have been at TPJHS since August of 2014 as
an Exceptional Education Teacher. I work with students with a wide range
of disabilities from Specific Learning Disability, Autism, etc. I get to take my students to
the Special Olympics every year which both the students and myself enjoy while
competing for ribbons for our school. In my spare time I spend time with my 4
children, husband, and parents. My children are 5, 5, 14, and 16 years old. My oldest plays football for the TPHS Bears. My 8 year old is a cheerleader and basketball player for TPES Cubs. I love to spend time watching them play football, shotput, discus, basketball, softball, cheer, and gymnastics.